
Trump Ingatkan ‘All Options on Table’

Militer.or.id – Trump Ingatkan ‘All Options on Table’. Rudal Korea Utara (KCNA) Washington/Jenewa – Presiden AS Donald Trump mengatakan peluncuran…

ShinMaywa Outlines Options for Industrial Collaboration in Indonesia

14 Juni 2017 The Indonesian Armed Forces (Tentara Nasional Indonesia: TNI) is reportedly considering an initial contract for three US-2…

Indonesia Mulls Turkish, South Korean, Russian Options for Marines APC Requirement

10 Februari 2017 Indonesia is currently considering options in the acquisition of 50 APCs for its Marines Corps. Contract to…

Indonesian Air Force Evaluates Options for Passive Radar System on Natuna Islands

03 November 2016 Passive radar system will be installed on Natuna Island (photo : finmeccanica)The Indonesian Air Force (Tentara Nasional…