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Hawk TT-0228 Selesai Menjalani Major Sevicing

26 Oktober 2016 Hawk TT-0228 usai menjalani major servicing (photo : TNI AU)Usai Mayor Servicing Di Sathar 32, HAWK MK-209…

Malaysia to Sign Contract for China Made Warships

26 Oktober 2016 18 Littoral Mission Ship (LMS) will be built for RMN (photo : Haijun360)SHAH ALAM: Its confirmed, Malaysia…

Sukses Uji Coba Flare Pesawat Tempur Sukhoi Di Lanud Sultan Hasanuddin

25 Oktober 2016 Su-30MK TNI AU melepaskan flare untuk mengecoh rudal (photo : TNI AU)Pelaksanaan uji coba Flare atau Suar…

Air Force to Reconfigure Sokol CUH into Search-and-Rescue Aircraft

25 Oktober 2016 PAF W-3A Sokol helicopter (photo : pdff)The Philippine Air Force (PAF) has allocated the sum of PHP31,…

TNI AD Jajaki Tawaran Kendaraan Angkut Arisgator

25 Oktober 2016 Arisgator kendaraan varian M113 berkemampuan amfibi (photos atas ke bawah : Chosun, ARIS, Snafu, Angkasa)  TNI AD…

Australia Investing in Unmanned Aerial Systems

26 Oktober 2016 Wasp III UAS (photo : NDIA)Several companies have teamed up to deliver a small, unmanned aerial vehicle…

TNI AU Bangun Pangkalan Radar di Bengkulu Selatan

25 Oktober 2016 Padang Panjang, Bengkulu Selatan (image : GoogleMaps)KOTA MANNA, BE – Bupati Bengkulu Selatan, H Dirwan Mahmud SH…

Hyundai Discloses Further Details of Philippine Navy’s New Frigates

25 Oktober 2016 Hyundai Heavy Industries has revealed further details of the two frigates that it will build for the…

DSME Luncurkan Kapal Selam KRI 404

24 Okotober 2016 Kapal selam kedua KRI 404 buatan galangan kapal DSME Korea (photos : sisapress, kjclub)Indonesia Resmi Miliki Kapal…

PAF in the Market for Spares of 2 S-211 Ejection Systems

24 Oktober 2016 The Philippine Air Force SIAI-Marchetti S.211 military trainer aircraft with secondary combat capability. (photo : pdff)MANILA (PNA)…