Month: October 2016

ST Kinetics Brazilian Subsidiary to Upgrade Colombian AFVs

18 Oktober 2016 EE-11 Urutu 6×6 of the Colombian Army (photo : Taringa)Brazil’s privately-run Technicae Projetos e Serviços Automotivos, which is…

Lanud RSN Akan Tambah Satu Detasemen Penangkis Serangan Udara

18 Oktober 2016 Meriam penangkis serangan udara Paskhas (photo : Merdeka)PEKANBARU (RIAU POS.CO)-Danlanud Roesmin Nurjadin (RSN) Pekanbaru Marsma Henri Alfiandi…

Vietnam will Buy SeaRAM for Molniya Corvettes ?

17 Oktober 2016 SeaRAM air defense system (photo : wiki)According to US media, most likely in the near future, Vietnam…

Rudal C-802, Rudal Battle Proven yang Digunakan TNI AL

17 Oktober 2016 Rudal C-802 dalam latihan uji tembak oleh TNI AL (photo : TNI AL)Dalam sekejap, rudal C-802 (kode…

Duterte OKs Plan to Buy 2 PCG Helicopters

17 Oktober 2016 PCG currently operates 2 helicopter Bo-105 (photo : PCG)MANILA, Philippines – President Duterte has approved the acquisition…

N219 PT Dirgantara Indonesia Dilirik Senegal

17 Oktober 2016 Prototipe pesawat N219 (photo : BUMN), -Produk pesawat milik PT Dirgantara Indonesia dilirik oleh Kamar dagang dan…

PA Allocating PHP20-M for Repairs of Cessna Aircraft

17 Oktober 2016 Cessna 172  of the Army Aviation of the Philippines (photo : Timawa)MANILA (PNA) — The Philippine Army (PA)…

TNI AU’s Wish List

16 Oktober 2016originally this article was published in AINOnline on February 7, 2014 A330 MRTT tanker aircraft (photo : Airbus…

Korps Marinir Mulai Berlatih dengan BTR-4

15 Oktober 2016 BTR-4 Korps Marinir TNI AL (photo : Marinir Gelar Pelatihan dan Uji Fungsi Ranpur Amfibi BTR-4Dispen…

U.S. Military Delivers Counterterrorism Equipment to the Philippine Marine Special Operations Group

15 Oktober 2016 Twenty- four pallets of brand new counter-terrorism equipment were handed to the Philippine Marine Special Operations Group…